
The Cache Valley Symphonic Society sincerely appreciates your generous donations, and all donations are tax-deductible.  If you wish to contribute to one particular organization, such as the Cache Symphony Orchestra, Mount Logan Symphony or Cache Valley Good Times Marching Band, please indicate the organization's name on your check, or electronically via Zeffy.  

All unspecified donations will go to the Cache Valley Symphonic Society's general fund to either help us cover general operating expenses, or be divided among the organizations.  


You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your donation for your records and for tax purposes, along with our sincere thanks!  Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions at



Elizabeth Simmons - Chair

Dirk Pace - Treasurer


To Make your TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATION you may either

 1.  Send a check written out to Cache Valley Symphonic Society (CVSS).  On the memo line, identify if you want your donation to go to a specific organization or to our general fund for benefit all organizations.  

Send your check in a stamped envelope to:


P.O. Box 29

Logan, UT 84323

2. Or send your donation via Zeffy  (click link here or use QR code below)

   (You can choose the amount of processing fee you wish to donate to Zeffy under "options" )


To send you a receipt and a personal thank you, please fill out the following information: